Sheryl Blumenthal


Sheryl, lovingly referred to as “The Little One”, is a pure vessel for the I AM. This heartfelt messenger is divinely guided. Through rare abilities her gifts offer love, healing, peace, and direct guidance through an extremely powerful and transforming unity with the Council of Elders. These angelic presences throughout history are revered sentient beings of ‘the most high’.  Most lovingly. they assist the transformation of our earth towards her highest ascension. The messages and the light that come forth are direct, vital, and pure. This child’s inner beauty and light will touch you deeply.

Sheryl has studied in England, Japan and the United States for many years. She serves on a number of panels, including the board of directors for: the non-profit Global Healing Foundation, the Global Council of Spiritual Teachers, an associate of the International Association for Spiritual Coaches (IASC), the Self-Worth Coalition-Global Initiative, and others. She is a regular presenter and staff member of the Edgar Cayce Center in NYC, and has been a presenter at Columbia University, the UN, retreat centers, fellowships and numerous other programs.  Sheryl is the author of “Heaven’s Doorway” (Through the Little One) and working on a number of future works.

“Her child-like nature resonates so purely that divinity is awakened with both her unique tone and word. She is an exquisite vessel from which truth and light come forth. This child channels “on high” through the Universal I AM…Angels walk with her, reminding us that our love can heal all things… As a global teacher, the Light emanating through her vessel assists the processes of the awakening of the man, woman and child who come to sit within the presence of the love that radiates through – The Little One.”

Ruth Joy Paone (Alaska)

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